In Search of Gandhi
(2007; Color; Video; 52 min.)
A road movie about Indian democracy
that follows the trail of Mahatma Gandhi’s famous salt
march of 1930. The film was commissioned by Steps International
as part of the `Why Democracy’ global broadcast TV series,
and has been broadcast on several international channels, including
BBC World, Arte (Germany and France), SBS (Australia), NHK (Japan).
In the early decades of the twentieth
century Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy of non-violent revolution
or Satyagraha inspired a mass movement of millions of Indians
to rise up against the British colonial state and successfully
agitate for the establishment of a democratic and free India.
In 2007, the country is preparing to celebrate the sixtieth
anniversary of its existence as an independent nation. But what
kind of a democracy does India have today? What does it actually
mean to live in the world’s largest democracy? In road-movie
style the film crew travels down the famous trail of Gandhi’s
salt march, the remarkable mass campaign that galvanized ordinary
Indians to join the non-violent struggle for democracy and freedom
almost a century ago. Stopping at the same villages and cities,
where Gandhi and his followers had raised their call for independence,
the film documents the stories of ordinary citizens in India
today. Although inspired by a historical event In Search of
Gandhi is not a journey back in time. Instead it is a search
for the present and future of democracy in India.
Camera: Mrinal Desai
Sound: Anita Kushwaha
Editing: Menno Boerema
Rough Cut Editor: Mahadeb Shi
Executive Producer: Iikka Vehkalahti
Producer: Don Edkins
Director: Lalit Vachani
EBU Special Golden Link award, 2008
For distribution and sales, contact
Lalit Vachani:
to Films